Monday, September 2, 2019

Homesick for Shetland

Over the past several weeks I have become increasingly sad to be away from Shetland.  I’m familiar with this feeling, which is usually at its most acute right after I’ve returned from being there for a week or two.  This year I didn’t feel this longing until a few months after I had returned.  I watched the webcams for consolation, only to feel even more sad, wistfully watching folks walk around Victoria Pier or Market Cross.  They’re so lucky.  Most of them probably are unaware that people all over the world are looking at them, though!

So, I’ve renewed a time-honored strategy for feeling close to Shetland: knit with Shetland wool!  I have been working on other projects for the past few weeks and have left Dunella languishing in the knitting basket. 
I’m closing in on the 2nd repeat of the center pattern; only 8 more 56-row repeats to go! 

I’ve also been eying the Shetland Wool Week pamphlet I got in Lerwick in June for Oliver Henry’s Roadside Beanie.  I decided that getting the beanie on my needles would cure my despondent cravings for Shetland and it’s helped a little.

Today the Shetland Wool Week folks revealed the 2019 Annual booklet, and I’ve ordered a copy.  I have mixed feelings about attending Wool Week.  Every week in Shetland is wool week, so it seems a bit artificial and touristy to go there for this event.  However, some magnificent workshops and celebrations of all things wool are organized for Wool Week, and I usually feel some regret about it all happening without me.  I’ll get there for Wool Week someday.

In the meantime, I will continue to design hats that are inspired by the webcams.  Currently under development is one that shows the Northlink ferry.  I'm happy with the colors and the overall design, but the ferry motif needs some work: the proportions of the boat and Magnus are off, but I believe I have fixed the pattern and am looking forward to testing it out once the Wool Week hat is done.

Probably the only real cure for this homesick feeling is to plan the next trip!

1 comment:

Oogyknitter said...

Excellent coping strategies, indeed - and also wooly and beautiful!! I really enjoy watching your design process as you work the various combinations of colors and patterns. I love that the ferry logo has made its way into one of them!