Sunday, June 9, 2019

Lerwick Destinations

Jamieson & Smith Shetland Wool Brokers must have made a deal with the Northlink Ferry company to make it all but certain that overnight passengers would find their way to the wool shop on North Street.  The ferry gets in very early in the morning, and most lodging in the area has a check-in time later in the morning or in the afternoon, leaving a considerable time gap to fill. If you are not in a hurry it is possible to eat breakfast on the ferry until 9:30 am.    Last year, and again this year, after a leisurely breakfast I left my heavy suitcase at the ferry terminal and made my way up the hill a few hundred feet away.  Imagine my delight in seeing a newly-installed staircase across the street from the ferry terminal,  leading directly to the wool brokers' property. A stairway to yarn heaven!!

My main objective in going there was to get the pattern and yarn for Harriet's Hat, which was designed by Harriet Middleton "in aid of Shetland MRI scanner appeal".  It is my understanding that the hospital here does not have its own scanner, requiring anyone who needs an MRI to travel to mainland Scotland to have one done.  By purchasing the yarn and pattern in the J&S store, I was assured that the whole cost was to be donated to the fundraising effort. The hat is very cheery and bright. I had a great time picking out some lace yarn, some colors of 2-ply wool for an as-yet undetermined hat design, and the yarn for Harriet's Hat. I still had time to pass so I made myself at home and got the hat started in the store.

The second destination was the flower park.  I really love it.

The weather here has been windy and a bit rainy: perfect weather for knitting.


Hartland Girl said...

Dear R
Have a great time and lots of knitting inspiration:)
Cheers H

Oogyknitter said...

Wow - so many wonderful things to do and see!!! It all sounds absolutely lovely!