Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Remotely Dyed

Or: 2nd Annual Fiber with Friends Event

It was so exciting to be reunited with Oogy and LW for another dye fest, even though we weren't able to replicate all of the elements of last year's in-person event.  Our remote event exceeded my expectations--it was fun, informative, affirming, and fruitful!

Before I show you my meager product from this year, I offer an update from last year
Iris yarn with 2020 irises
Iris yarn with 2020 irises

This is yarn that I spun from last year's dyeing event.  I still don't know what I'm going to do with this yarn, other than take pictures of it next to the irises in my garden. That's not much of an update...

This year, we preempted the fun by dyeing yarn to send to LW so that she had it to ogle while we met remotely.  I had some dye left over from that, so I used it for a base coat on this roving.  Then I made Oogy and LW pick the other colors.  
Shetland top with a base coat of clay.  It is speckled with twilight,
cornflower, golden yellow, and grape juice.

Nice job you 2!  I can't wait to spin it!

1 comment:

Oogyknitter said...

Neuro - that roving turned out positively beautiful!! I can't wait to see it in yarn form! Your irises are so pretty too - are they in bloom yet this year?